The Scottish Society for Physicians is looking forward to an in person meeting at the Townhouse Hotel  in Melrose on 29 and 30 September.  Technology allowing we also hope to offer this as hybrid meeting. Our Fitzgerald Peel Lecturer is Dr Caroline Elton (an occupational psychologist and coach, and author of “Only Human – the Secret Lives of Doctors) speaking on “What makes medicine so demanding?  Insights from Occupational Psychology”. Instead of an after dinner speaker Dr John Reid, Chairman of the Trimontium Trust, will give a private tour of the newly opened Trimontium Museum (; our trainee session (in person only) will be a workshop on “managing difficult conversations with colleagues”, run by Effective Communication for Healthcare ( The current programme and more information including all fees can be found here:

Melrose is a pleasant 25 minute walk or 5 minute taxi ride from the terminus of the beautiful Borders Railway.  We have chosen Melrose for its ease of accessibility for those who do not wish to drive.  However, Melrose does not have a single site that can accommodate the conference and provide overnight stays for all delegates and speakers in one site. We will list a variety of accommodation at varied prices should you wish to get ahead and book your room.

With best wishes

The Committee of the Scottish Society of Physicians

Reminder: Call for Abstracts:

Abstracts are invited for this meeting for poster or podium oral presentation. SSP welcomes work on any clinical, scientific or service topic from the breadth of general medicine and its subspecialties, as well as on topics such as patient safety, quality improvement and clinical audit. (Please note that abstracts focusing on individual case studies will not normally be accepted.) Abstracts will be scored and the top 4 will be selected for oral presentation.

The deadline for submissions is Thursday 30 June 2022.

SSP will contact select and notify presenters of selection after they have been scored by Committee. For submission please use the abstract template attached and return it to

The best presenter will be awarded the prestigious Fitzgerald Peel Prize. There are also prizes available for the best poster and best student poster. Presenters of abstracts selected for oral presentation will be eligible for a travel grant to support presentation of the work at national or international meetingsmore information. 

End Date
Townhouse Hotel, Melrose and Online